Please use this form to report any safety issues or incidents of concern. What type of events warrant an incident report? Examples include:

-       A collision or near miss

-       A capsize or swamping of a boat in the winter period (1 May – 30 September)

-       Danger to a member caused by the operation of a boat

-       Serious damage to a boat

-       Serious damage to a structure

-       Loss of, or abandonment of a boat

-       Serious injury or harm to a member

-       Serious member misconduct (harassment, altercations, physical or verbal abuse)

-       Safety concerns in and around the clubhouse

-       Any other incident worth reporting

The information that you choose to share will be provided to the BGCC Safety Officer, alongside the BGCC Committee, who will use this incident reporting system to manage and improve safety around the Club. The Committee will respond to your incident report within 24 hours.

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