PNSW Series Race 6: Sunday 21st July. Divisional racing on the Penrith River, hosted by PVC. Penrith entry

Race 5, Woronora Results for BGCC paddlers:

20 km;  Div 1:  2nd  Matthew Gates  K1   1:35:01;   3rd Mark Halpin  K1  1:39:33

             Div 3:   5th Larissa Cleverly  K1   1:53:17;   11th  Andrew Webber  OS1  2:00:08

             Div 5:    1st  Patricia Ashton/Bob Collins  LR2  2:02:08

             Div 6:    2nd Andy Osborne   OS1  2:13:16

             Div 7:    3rd   Helen Tongway  MR1  2:50:17

15 km; Div 8:   1st  Craig Elliott  K1  1:17:10; 5th Laura Lee  K1  1:24:40;  6th Marcello Cabezas C1  1:24:46; 10th Margi Bohm  K1  1:32:07

5 km; Div 13:  2nd Robert Bruce  OS1  34:58.

Winners are grinners

Winners are grinners: Patricia Ashton and Bob Collins.

Race entry at:  Woronora Race Entry There are discounts for early multiple-races entries. Early Bird entries close Monday 17th June; all entries close Wednesday 19th June.

Results:  Woronorw results;  Davistown resultsLane Cove results ;  Windsor results

Results at Wagga: Wagga results To watch some of the Wagga race on YouTube: video of Oura to Wagga races